Export companies of fresh fruits and vegetables from Spain

Our products

Citrus fruit with high water content and rich in vitamin C, folic acid and minerals. Oranges also contain fiber in their white part, between pulp and peel, with good beneficial properties for intestinal activity. Frutas Beri works with four orange varieties: Navelina: sweet, tasty pulp. Available October 20 to January 30. Navelate: high juice and sugar content. Available February 1 to March 15. Navel Lane Late: fruit of a good size and high fiber content. Available March 15 to May 30. Valencia Late: this Spanish orange, last to be harvested, can be marketed until the summertime. Available May 1 to September 30.

High content in fiber, antioxidant, vitamins C and B, citric acid and carotenes. It has properties that help fight colds and inflammation and reduce blood pressure, thus making it an ideal fruit for ulcer treatment. Clementines: Clemenrubi: early oronules variety. Available September 15-30. Oronules: reddish peel, sweet and easy to remove. Available October 1 to November 15. Clemenules: Spanish clementines, the real taste! Available November 15 to January 30. Tangerines: Clemenvillas: highly valued for its intense red color and sweet taste. Available November 15 to January 30. Nadarcott: pleasant sweet taste, peel that is pinkish inside and easy to remove. It is harvested later other varieties. Available February 1 to April 15. Ortaniques: large tangerines with hard peel; perfect for juice. Available February 1 to April 30. Ellendales: late tangerine, easy to peel. Available February 1-28.

When it comes to nutrition and benefits for the human body, lemons are in a category of their own, with antibacterial and antiviral properties that boost the immune system. Frutas Beri works with the following lemon varieties: Beri: thin peel, high juice content and medium acidity. Available from October to May.
About us
We are a family business with over 30 years of experience producing and exporting citrus fruits, mainly lemons, oranges and clementines.
“Our motivation is to grow citrus fruits of top quality and natural flavor”
In Frutas Beri we employ a large team distributed in our cultivation, processing, packaging and administration areas.
Our philosophy is based on ongoing investment in products, services and premises, providing staff with the means needed to ensure top-quality products.
“We control, monitor and manage the entire production process”
Ever since we started in this industry, our company has gained a reputation for being an avant-garde player. We currently use a state-of-the-art network comprised of last-generation equipment and in-house resources.
Our quality department controls, monitors and manages the entire production process, from cultivation to product dispatchment to our clientele.
Our farms use agricultural practices complying with the main European Standards:
Frutas Beri
Brazal Nuevo, 2 A
30130 Beniel
Murcia (Spain)