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companies from europe / export companies from europe

Export fresh fruits and vegetables from Europe


Our products

KIKU® (Premium)

Size/calibre from ø70 mm to ø85 mm Firmness kg/cm2 (penetrometer value) at least 6-7 kg/cm2 Fruit sugar content Brix° Average value of 13-17 Brix° Sales packaging Laid goods in 7 kg and 4 kg boxes. Foodtainer in 4-6 bowls. Harvest and maturity KIKU® is harvested from mid-October to mid-November. It is then ripe for consumption until June. Appearance and taste The flesh is yellowish to light green, ruby red striped top colour, at least 60% typical of the variety. The flesh is very juicy and sweet. Crisp fresh. Special features After harvesting, the KIKU® "Honey-Core" may contain honey hearts. These are a sign of quality in many countries. We take great care to ensure that they develop at the right rate throughout the storage period.

Evelina (Premium)

Size/caliber from ø65 mm to ø90 mm. Size 65/75 for VKS and 75/90 for laid goods + VKS strength kg/cm2 (penetrometer value). Minimum value from all measurements: 6.5 Brix° fructose content Mean value from at least 10 measurements: 13° Malic acid: 4.7 g/l Sales packaging Goods laid out in 14 kg, 7 kg and 4 kg boxes. Foodtainer: in 4-6-8 bowls. Commercial class: I - Extra harvest and ripeness for consumption October to June, integration with fruits from the southern hemisphere possible. All year round in all agreed variants, under certain circumstances not all calibers may be available at short notice. Appearance and taste The flesh is yellowish to light green, the overall color is vermilion stripes, at least 65%, typical of the variety. The flesh is very juicy and sweet. Crisp fresh. Shelf life Has excellent shelf life, even at room temperature EVELINA® retains its firmness, appearance and taste.

Red Rose (Premium)

Size/calibre from ø65 mm to ø85 mm Strength kg/cm2 (penetrometer value) at least 6-7 kg/cm2 Fructose content Brix° Mean value over 12.5° Balanced sugar-acid ratio Sales packaging Laid goods in 4 kg and 7 kg foodtainers 6 pieces Peel. Harvest and harvest ready for consumption at the end of October. It is ripe for consumption from October to July. Appearance and taste Usually completely bright red with yellowish firm flesh. Tastes aromatic, juicy with a balanced sugar-acid ratio. Characteristics Its striking color. Shelf life Good shelf life. We recommend cool storage.

Sweetheart (Premium)

Größe/Kaliber von ø70 mm bis ø85 mm Festigkeit kg/cm2 (Penetrometerwert) mind. 7-8 kg/cm2 Fruchtzuckergehalt Brix° Mittelwert von 12,5° geringer Säuregehalt Verkaufsverpackung Gelegte Ware im 7 kg Foodtainer 6er Schalen. Ernte und Genussreife Ernte Ende September. Genussreif ist er von Oktober bis Mai. Optik und Geschmack Da sticht der Sweetheart® wahrlich heraus. Elegant dunkelrot leuchtend mit einer unvergleichlichen Form. Besonderheiten Mit einem relativ geringen Fruchtzuckergehalt schmeckt der Sweetheart® fein-süß. Das Geheimnis dabei ist ein sehr geringer Säuregehalt. Lagerfähigkeit Gute Lagerfähigkeit. Wir empfehlen kühle Lagerung.

Royal Gala

Size/calibre from ø70 mm to ø80 mm Firmness kg/cm2 (penetrometer value) at least 6 kg/cm2 Brix° fructose content mean value of 12.8° – 13.5° Low acidity Harvest and ripeness for consumption September. It is ripe for consumption from September to April. Appearance and taste Red-striped apple with a sweet and fruity taste, crisp, finely aromatic, juicy. Special features Fresh consumption, high sugar content, low acidity. Popular with children. Shelf life Good shelf life. We recommend cool storage.

Fit mit Stil

Only “our best” are allowed in the “Fit with style” foodtainer. For everyone who loves and appreciates something special. The label tells you which apple is in the peel.


Size/caliber from ø70 mm to ø80 mm Firmness kg/cm2 (penetrometer value) at least 5.6 kg/cm2 Brix° fructose content Average of 12.4° – 13.5° Harvest and ripeness October. It is ripe for consumption from October to July. Appearance and taste Striped red colour, sweetish-sour, aromatic, firm skin, broad aroma Special features Can be eaten fresh, very good cooking and baking properties Shelf life Good shelf life. We recommend cool storage.


Size/calibre from ø70 mm to ø80 mm Firmness kg/cm2 (penetrometer value) at least 6.5 kg/cm2 Brix° fructose content mean value of 12.1° – 13.2° Harvest and ripeness for consumption October. It is ripe for consumption from November to May. Appearance and taste Two-tone, juicy, crunchy apple, sour, firm flesh, sweet and fruity, aromatic, crunchy Special features Table apple, also suitable for cooking Shelf life Good shelf life. We recommend cool storage


ON THE FRUITS - SET - GO! The sea fruits from Lake Constance have a sly old hand under the shell. They mature in one of the most beautiful landscapes in Germany and are packed with plenty of vitamins. The Lake Constance area is one of the sunniest areas in Germany. In this mild climate, with the heat storage of Lake Constance, our aromatic “seafood” ripen. Our "little ones" are the ideal children's vitamin snack for in between. Of course also for adult apple connoisseurs.

Our company
about us

What happens when three well-organized and well-positioned companies merge? That’s right: a strong team. And exactly this step was taken by the wholesale fruit market Wielatt from Beuren, the fruit wholesale market Eugen Hund from Hagnau and Georg Veeser GmbH from Meckenbeuren in 2001.

At the beginning of this millennium, these three companies founded the sales association SALEM-Frucht GmbH. With the construction of a joint logistics center in Salem, they have created the basis for marketing apples from more than 250 fruit growers from Lake Constance in Germany and neighboring European countries.

Since the founding of SALEM-Frucht GmbH up to 2011 alone, more than 400,000 tons of apples have been delivered from Lake Constance to retailers. That’s an incredible 2.8 billion apples.

2.8 billion tasty and healthy ambassadors from Lake Constance, one of the most beautiful regions in Germany. The three independent companies of SALEM-Frucht GmbH can draw on a wealth of experience of over 200 years.

The quality of our food shapes our quality of life. For us, quality assurance in our company starts with employee satisfaction and goes from the certified quality of our fruit products to sustainable environmental protection.

quality control
Our quality principles

Quality begins with production. That is why our fruit growers are important partners when it comes to quality. Over many years we have built up a trusting and cooperative relationship with the fruit growers. We promote this partnership through proper handling of the products entrusted to us.

supplier retention

All operating processes are comprehensible for fruit growers to promote quality-based payment.

product safety

We value and respect the rules of all quality standards such as IP, Globalgap, QS, NC, IFS and BRC.
Because the apple is a sensitive natural product – careful handling in all phases of marketing is the prerequisite for success with the customer.

Smooth production process

Thanks to a high standard of technology, continuous modernization, qualified staff and comprehensive maintenance of the systems, we avoid errors and downtimes. It is our goal to design and optimize the specific organizational processes in accordance with IFS, BRC and the guidelines of QS.

employee satisfaction

Committed, motivated employees make a significant contribution to the success of the company. For this reason, the management, in close cooperation with the responsible employees, develops short-term and medium-term targets and evaluates their degree of fulfillment once a year in the quality report (MR). Our employees, despite their different backgrounds, can be sure that their concerns will be heard, understood and taken into account by management.

Initial and continuing education

We always want to get better. That is why we attach great importance to the regular training of our employees.

seal of approval

In principle, only apples that meet the IP guidelines or the specifications of the GlobalGap standard are accepted at SALEM-Frucht Großmarkt GmbH, which excludes the cultivation of GMOs. Proper use of quality marks allows customers and end users to place their trust in our products. It is our goal to design and optimize the specific and organizational processes in accordance with IFS, BRC and the QS guidelines.

The residue monitoring is based on the agreements on the use of the quality mark for assured quality from Baden-Württemberg `gQZBW´ and those of the quality assurance system QS.

protection of the environment

Our company has a high energy requirement in storage and processing. We use the existing technical possibilities to protect natural resources and the environment. For us, sustainability means using the best technical options to protect natural resources.